The Time Has Cum – It’s Masturbation May Baby!

In 1995, sex-positive retailer Good Vibrations honoured Surgeon Joycelyn Elders by declaring May the month of sweet, sweet, masturbation. This month of shameless self-love stemmed from Elders passion to introduce masturbation into sex education (rightly so), which she was later fired for by President Bill Clinton *insert eye roll here*.
And you might be thinking, why do we need a whole month celebrating self-gratification? But why not? We have days dedicated to doughnuts and frog jumping!! And yes, that’s a genuine day. Sex is a hugely important part of everyday life and can play a significant role in helping your mental state and well-being. Masturbation May helps to reduce the stigma surrounding what can quite often be a very taboo topic and allows the opportunity to explore parts of your sexuality and prioritize self-pleasure!
Is Masturbation Really that Important?
The answer is yes. As briefly mentioned above, sex or self-love is an essential part of your day-to-day life. It should be incorporated into our routines like exercising, seeing friends and family, or that 20-something-step skincare routine we’re making time for now. So why don’t we set time aside to fully focus on ourselves and our bodies? It probably has a lot to do with the shame that’s constantly associated with sex, right? We’ve become obliged to think it should come last, or not even appear on the day's to-do list. But hopefully, Masturbation May can help change this.
Just like taking a long, hot bubble bath or going for a hot girl/guy walk, masturbation can work to minimize anxious thoughts and relieve stress that’s been building up in your mind and body (think of it as meditation, but meditation that feels really freaking good). By being present with your body, you’re allowing yourself the time to learn about and explore your sexuality. Be curious and get to know yourself better! This also helps when it comes to partnered experiences, you can discover what you like and what you’re actually not that keen on.
Not only does Masturbation Month give you the confidence to entirely indulge in solo-play, but it encourages conversations around the subject too. Although it might seem embarrassing to talk about, it’s a completely normal and natural part of life, and let’s face it, it’s something we all do!
Things you can do During Masturbation Month:
Allocate the time – set aside time in the morning, evening, or even both! Masturbation is a form of self-care and in turn, should be prioritised. When we orgasm, happy hormones, such as oxytocin, dopamine and endorphins are released into the brain and body, which has an overall positive effect. Just think, 10 minutes in the morning and Karen from finance really isn’t as bad as you thought.
Introduce or try new toys – it’s rumoured that Skins Sexual Health is offering 15% OFF with code MAY15 this Masturbation Month and as one of the leading sexual health companies, you know we won’t let you down.
For couples – try the Skins Vibe Ring for enhanced vibration and intense stimulation. The powerful ring has raised bumps for pleasure and a 30-40 minute battery life.
For her – try our best-selling Skins Rose Buddies! The perfect addition to your self-love adventure. Each Rose Buddy offers a different buzz, meaning there’s something to suit everyone’s sweet spot. The Rose Lix Clitoral Toy mimics the sensation of oral sex and the discreet, petite design means you can take it with you wherever you’re going. Plus, all of our Rose Buddies are water-resistant too!
For him – Take it to the next level and treat yourself with the Skins Excite Tingling Sex Lube for a welcomed tingling feeling and to avoid any unwanted friction!
Get a partner involved – there are many ways to masturbate when working with a partner. Tag team it, take it in turn to touch yourself and let the other watch. Maybe your long distance? Go old school and masturbate together over the phone, explain to each other what you’re doing. Words and sounds are essential here.
Try new positions – explore your body from a variety of different angles. Try using a pillow under your hips or standing up in the shower. Maybe it’s glutes and leg day? Try the squatting position! Move in whichever way feels natural, follow your instincts and what feels good for you.
Indulge in porn – there is so much out there these days to get you in the mood. There is something to literally tickle everybody's fancy and yes, that is a euphemism. If you’re not much of a watcher, you can always read instead! Spicy, romance books exist for a reason people.
Romanticize your life (masturbation) – make it an event, use it as an excuse for date night with either yourself or your partner! Get in your favourite foods, put on your nicest underwear or whatever makes you feel your best, and set the mood for a romantic night in.
And it all ends happily ever after…hopefully! And, although masturbation still isn’t a compulsory subject in sex education, fingers crossed you feel more informed and subsequently more confident about self-pleasure, and we can all celebrate Masturbation May together…not literally of course.