Can Exercise Improve Your Sex Life?

Published on: 14 October, 2020
Updated at: 29 May, 2024
Can Exercise Improve Your Sex Life?

We don’t need telling that exercise if good for you. But did you know that exercise has a number of benefits that can enhance your sex life? And we aren’t talking the obvious like losing weight and generally being fitter. Exercise sets the foundation of a healthy sex life in more ways than you realise. So when you’re toning your derriere with those squats, you’re improving your relationship in more ways than one (particularly peachy one!)

Having a regular exercise plan tones the body, boosts circulation and primes the brain. No surprises there. But blood pumping around your body actually improves arousal. Lubrication, genital sensitivity and sexual excitement are all fuelled by good blood flow. Add to that the sweaty hands, racing pulse, shortness of breath (you see where we’re going here)…these all mirror, in many ways, the thrill of sexual attraction. That gym will be a sexual pressure cooker!

You know those feelings of butterflies you had in the early days of your relationship? Well those feelings are very similar to the rush you get from doing adrenalin sports, like rock climbing or skiing. This rush of adrenalin mimics those sensations and increases that wondrous blood flow. These feelings can reignite a youthful frisky flame for a little post-activity activity!

Toning up and being stronger will not only boost your self-esteem in the bedroom but will allow you to perform to your potential. Picking up those weights and building muscle mass also increases testosterone which is responsible for your sex drive. Being fitter and healthier will transcend in other aspects of both your lives. The more energetic you are, the more you can do together *wink wink*

It goes without saying that an energetic session in the bedroom doubles as exercise. Kissing? 70 calories an hour. Massaging? 80 calories an hour. 30 minutes of sex? 150 calories. Add to that a dash of moaning and a pinch of sighing…an extra 18-30 calories! Now if that isn’t enough reason to get frisky, we don’t know what is!

Ultimately, exercise makes people happier. Those little feel-good vibes you get after exercising give you a sense of ecstasy, often likened to the effects of morphine (you may have heard of runner’s high). Those Endorphins work to relieve stress and improve your feeling of well-being. For women, mindset plays an enormous part in sex so getting your daily dose of endorphins will ensure you’re happy and relaxed. Endorphin release in the gym + endorphin release in the bedroom = a very happy, healthy you.

Pick up that Dumbbell and get your rocks off!

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